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Validation and Research Studies

Published in Prestigious Journals

Valhalla Scientific’s bio-impedance devices have been selected as the official body composition measurement instruments for numerous research studies published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.

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Trusted by Researchers for 20 Years

Valhalla Scientific's body composition technology - the same that's in the BodyCompScale Elite - has been used by top scientists, physicians, and academics for their research studies since 1990

American Journal Of Medicine
September 19, 2018

Muscle Mass Index As a Predictor of Longevity in Older Adults

The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 127, Issue 12, December 2014, Pages e13 PreethiSrikanthanMD, MSaArun S.KarlamanglaMD, PhDb Abstract Objective Obesity (as defined by body mass index) has not been…
September 19, 2018

Pre‐diabetes and serum sex steroid hormones among US men

Journal Andrology from the American Society of Andrology & European Academy of Adrology First published: 28 October 2016. Clipped from: Summary Several studies demonstrate a link between diabetes and sex…
September 19, 2018

Higher Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Increased the Risk of Sarcopenia in the Community-Dwelling Older Adult

Clipped from: Abstract The platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) has been extensively studied in oncologic diseases. However, the correlation between PLR and sarcopenia remains unknown. In this cross-sectional analysis, we enrolled…
September 19, 2018

Joint association between body fat and its distribution with all-cause mortality

Clipped from: Abstract Objective Although obesity is recognized as an important risk of mortality, how the amount and distribution of body fat affect mortality risk is unclear. Furthermore, whether…
September 19, 2018

Adiposity and Serum Selenium in U.S. Adults

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Adiposity and Serum Selenium in U.S. Adults Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:38 AM Clipped from: 1. Introduction Selenium is an essential trace element involved…
Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
September 19, 2018

Relative Muscle Mass Is Inversely Associated with Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Volume 96, Issue 9, 1 September 2011, Pages 2898–2903, Published: 01 September 2011 Abstract Context: Insulin resistance, the basis of type 2…

University Validation Study


In April 0f 2001, Dr. Craig E. Broeder of the Human Performance Lab at East Tennessee State University published a comprehensive critical study of our body composition technology and its accuracy relative to accepted gold-standard hydrostatic weighing.  The study summary, excerpted from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is below.

Body Composition Results

According to the hydrostatic weighing results, percent body fat for the test population ranged between 8.2% and 40.1%. In comparison, the BC1 assessed the test population’s percent body fat between 7.5% and 40.8%. As a group, the mean % body fat for the test population according to the hydrostatic weighing results was 22.1% while the BC1 estimate of % body fat was nearly identical at 22.2%. As a result, the proportional body composition values for absolute fat and fat-free weight values were equal and not statistically different between the gold standard and the BC1 body composition analyses (p > 0.05).

Study Results and Discussion

The following report is based on our initial testing which included 51 subjects and our final testing number equal to 72 subjects. The BC-1i device was extremely accurate at reproducing each persons BIO-IMPEDANCE ANALYSIS (BIA) resistance values. Over three repeat trials on each person, the resistance values varied less than 0.5% for all subjects tested.

The subjects involved in the testing included both males (n = 39) and females (n = 33) from 18 to 45 years of age. There was a wide variance in height (60 inches to 74 inches); weight (116 lbs to 259 lbs); and body mass index (20.71 to 37.24).

This indicates that the population tested had adequate variations in height, weight, and body composition (i.e., lean to morbidly obese individuals to properly test and evaluate the BC1’s ability to assess body composition in comparison with the gold-standard used in this study, hydrostatic weighing.